Сдружение за разпространение на поученията на Дейвид Поусън

In 1980 when David started his International Teaching Ministry, David asked Anchor Recordings to take on responsibility for the distribution of his library of teaching cassettes. Anchor’s role in David’s ministry has expanded over the years and in 2020 in recognition of the role it now performs, changed its name to David Pawson Publishing Ltd, making David’s Teachings available globally, in as many languages as we can when we are able to do so.

David Pawson’s vision is that his teaching library would be made available, to as many as possible around the world, for the lowest possible cost whilst maintaining the highest standards and quality possible.

Work started in 2011 transcribing and translating the Teaching Library into other languages including Mandarin, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, and most recently, Ukrainian, and Russian, but also many, many, more languages.

As and when possible, it is our intention to make all of David’s teachings available in electronic form, free of charge, to enable everyone interested to learn by watching, listening, or reading all of David’s teachings online for free. We will only charge where physical media has to be produced e.g. dvds, printed books, including e-books as these are delivered by third party platforms eg Kindle.

In 2021 we launched an online book reader and over time as resources become available, we plan to make all of David’s books available to “read online free of charge”. To read this month's featured 'Book of the Month' CLICK HERE.

We also work with some well know Christian TV Broadcasters i.e. Revelation TV and Good TV in Taiwan.

DPP publishes all of David’s books except Unlocking the Bible English and is responsible for David’s online presence including websites and various multilingual YouTube channels. This ministry belongs to God and our principal aim is to listen to His leading and do what he asks. The Word of Grace and Truth must be declared to everyone in every language, and we would value your prayers and appreciate your support to enable us to spread globally, Biblical truth and the good news of the redemption in Christ Jesus.

David was against building organisations and structures with associated costs and insisted we never make requests to the general public nor sponsors for financial support. We keep our structure and costs to an absolute minimum with only one full time permanent employee. We are very grateful for those who feel able to financially support this ongoing work. The decision to make all of David’s teachings available free of charge and the costs associated with all translations means we do rely on donations to fund this ongoing ministry.


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